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Summer Programme 2019

Ramble organiser: Alan Hill, 24 Kingsfield Drive, Didsbury, M20 6JA Tel: 0161 215 0971; mobile 07719 659 689.

Walks are normally of a short distance (2 to 5 miles), and require a packed lunch! Although the distance may be short, if the area is botanically interesting, it can take a considerable time to investigate each square yard. Walks normally take 3 to 5 hours.

Outdoor meetings explore the Greater Manchester area: river valleys, canals, old industrial sites, parks. Leaders are well informed in various branches of natural history - flowers, mosses. fungi, birds, insects especially of the locality.

Details of public transport are given where possible. Members are quite willing to give lifts.
Everyone is welcome to participate and learn how to tell apart different species or come along just to enjoy the walk and company.


6th April Etherow Country Park, Compstall.
Meet at 11.00 at main car park (small charge) and Visitor Centre, off B6104. Map ref: SJ 965 909. Easy/Moderate
Norman Bamforth  Tel: 336 3914
4th May Wigan Flashes.
Meet 11.00. Take M6 to J25, turn left onto A49, then right on to Poolstock Lane (B5238 off A49) then right into Carr Lane; park at end of Carr Lane near school (SD 581 031). Easy.
Mike and Cathy Pettipher Tel: 865 0118
5th May Chorlton Meadows, Chorlton.
Meet 11.00, Chorlton Ees car park at the end of the cobbled road off Brookburn Road, Chorlton (the entrance to this road is between Chorlton Brook and Brookburn Road Primary School). Map: SJ 808 933. Easy/Moderate.
Dave Bishop Tel: 881 6276
15th June Miller’s Dale, Derbyshire.
Meet 11.00 at the car park at Miller’s Dale Station, SKJ 138 732. (Charge). Easy/Moderate.
Mike and Cathy Pettipher, Liz Blackman Tel: 865 0118
29th June, 6th,13th July
27th July Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury.
Meet 11.00 at Visitor Centre (off Millgate Lane) in Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury (SJ 849 902). Easy.
Alan Hill and Rob Pugh Tel: 215 0971
10th August Edgerton Moss, Haslingden.
Meet 11.00 at Visitor Centre on B6232 Haslingden to Blackburn Road (SD 751 232), about 3km after the turnoff from the A56. Level moderate.
John Lowell Tel: 485 6892
24th  August Nelson Pit, Higher Poynton.
Meet 11.00 at Nelson Pit Visitor Centre, near Boar’s Head pub, Higher Poynton (map SJ 944 833). £3 charge for all day parking. Easy.
Christine and Roger Tel: 740 7670
7th September Gall Gala, Marbury Country Park, Northwich.
Meet 11.00 at Main Car Park (near Budworth Mere; parking charge)) at SJ 651 764.  From M56 turn south at J10 onto A559 and right in about 3 miles to Gibb Hill and Comberbach and follow signs. Easy.
Norman Bamforth Tel: 336 3914
21st September Vegetative ID course, Parsonage Gardens, Didsbury.
Meet 11.00 at rear of the Old Parsonage (SJ 847 904). A plant ID course based on ‘The Vegetative Key to the British Flora’ by Poland and Clement. This is an indoor meeting.
Debbie Wallace Tel: 07778 651 127
19th October Risley Moss, Birchwood, Warrington.
Meet 11.00 at Visitor Centre, off Ordnance Avenue (SJ 665 921; WA3 6QX). Leave M62 at J11, take A574, then first exit (left) at first roundabout. Easy.
Ann Ramsay Tel: 980 4459

Manchester Field Club

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